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Thomas Hitzlsperger featured by “Schoog im Dialog”

Wed 19. Nov 2025 / 20.00 o'clock
Kurhaus Baden-Baden • Runder Saal
Talk series with Bernadette Schoog

Tickets: 28/32 € (numbered seats). Tickets are available onlineand in our booking offices.


Combined ticket

Baden-Baden Events GmbH offers a combined ticket. If you book at least four events in the “Schoog im Dialog” series at the same time, you will receive a discount of €5 per ticket. Bookable online as well as via the advance booking offices and Baden-Baden Events GmbH, tel. 07221-275 215.


Four times a year, Bernadette Schoog invites prominent guests to the Kurhaus Baden-Baden for a discussion. Exciting personalities are asked about their lives, visions, ideas, influences and thoughts. A close-up, ninety-minute experience with an empathetic interviewer in a wonderful setting.

The name Thomas Hitzlsperger stands above all for his footballing successes: the German championship for VFB Stuttgart in the 2006/2007 Bundesliga season, third place with the German national team in the "World Cup summer fairytale" in 2006 and the runner-up finish for the German national team in the 2008 European Championships. As a young player, he earned his merits early on in Great Britain with various clubs, which is why the left-footed player was also known as "Hitz The Hammer" due to his shooting power. He ended his sporting career in 2013 and took on a wide variety of roles. His sensational book from last year is called "Mutproben" (Tests of courage), and it describes the many facets of his courageous stance and public stand against right-wing extremism, racism, exclusion and xenophobia. He is also the first and so far only prominent German professional footballer to come out as homosexual in 2014 and is still fighting for diversity to become the norm in sport and society. In conversation with Bernadette Schoog, the likeable and approachable sportsman will provide deep insights into his life and his many commitments.

Photos: Thomas Hitzlsperger, © Pixxwerk Henkensiefen; Bernadette Schoog, © Peter M. Schoog
